The Book


Extra information

Weight 804 kg
Dimensions 245 × 205 × 18 mm
Size 144 pages
Format 245×205mm

Binding method
Hardcover, Binding setter with capital binding, reading ribbon and printed endpapers



Sweet memories

Still living toy cars!

Who didn’t have them? In drawers, boxes or on the shelf. Those beautiful scale models. Preferably from the brand or model that father or mother drove. Or a special model that your parents could never afford. On birthdays or holidays, the perfect time to expand the collection. With a bit of luck also a garage, motorcycle, agricultural implements, trucks, ect. Then after the sandbox adventures, wash them again before going back into the toy box.
An initiative of photographer Job Boersma and ArtNik Uitgaven supported by 150 enthusiastic contributors of platform VoorDeKunst. With this debut we hope for the birth of a new series of ‘Still living toy cars’.


Hardcover | tied with yarn. It has a sturdy cover and thus the interior is protected against damage and will last for years.


Binding setter with capital binding, reading ribbon and printed endpapers.

No Shortcuts

Playful photo project

From a playful photo project with beautiful works of art to a real photo book and whatever else will come our way!

‘Old iron turns into Art; upcycling de luxe. A book packed with beautiful fautos that puts a smile on everyone’s face. Sweet memories of your childhood, your first car, your favorite car, your third car, your camper or just the car you drive now. Paradise Lost, design, color, styling, detail, craftsmanship, imagination and energy neutral!’

An initiative of photographer Job Boersma and ArtNik Uitgaven supported by 150 enthusiastic donors of platform VoorDeKunst. With this debut we hope for the birth of a new series of ‘Still living toy cars’.

Dinkytoy de Luxe stems from the passionate need of photographer Job Boersma to approach small matters in a big way. What started with cleaning up the attic, where by chance a box with old toy cars was found, now culminates in a sturdy photo book of used and somewhat battered toy cars. Hardbound book with 144 pages of memories together! Please note that the edition is limited so be quick!